Why do eyelashes fall out and how to avoid it?
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The eyelashes, like the eyebrows, are one of the most important parts of our face, since they completely affect its expression. The look can completely change the facial expression, and that is influenced by the eyelashes. Maybe for this reason we worry if we see a loss of density in the eyelashes, but why do eyelashes fall out?
Like other hair, eyelashes also fall out. It is estimated that each year more than 100 eyelash hairs can fall as a result of natural loss. However, sometimes, this fall can be a symptom of a health problem or disease.
Today we want to tell you all the factors that can cause eyelashes to fall out, but also give you tips that will help you take care of their health. Do you want dreamy eyebrows? Do not miss it!

What is the function of eyelashes?
“You dropped an eyelash. Now you have to blow and make a wish.” This is a popular expression. Beyond any superstition, eyelashes, like any other hair follicle, fall out. This is because they have a life cycle similar to hair, which is composed of 3 distinct phases: growth, rest and fall … and subsequent renewal.
Eyelash hair is usually renewed every 4 to 8 weeks. They are the thickest and most pigmented hairs in the body.
Eyelashes are located on both eyelids of the eye. Their main function is to protect the eye from external agents that can obstruct vision or cause eye infections or lesions, including sunlight and sweat.
There are differences in the number of hairs that make up the eyelashes of each eyelid: the upper eyelid has approximately 90 to 150 eyelashes, depending on each person’s eye, while the lower eyelid has around 70 to 80.

Reasons for loss of eyelashes
It is normal to lose between one and five eyelashes during the course of a day.
But what happens if they fall out more frequently and in greater numbers?
In some cases, this may be a symptom of an underlying health problem.
The most common reasons or causes related to eyelash shedding are:
- Psychological state: Just as stress/anxiety affects hair loss, it also influences eyelash loss; this is called telogen defluvium. Likewise, certain compulsive behaviors can also be the origin of their scarcity. A clear example is trichotillomania, which causes the person to tear out his or her eyelashes.
- Excessive use of cosmetics: Makeup is a great ally to highlight the eyes, but it must also be used with caution. Leaving mascara on for long hours, using curlers or even eyelash extensions can irritate the eye. Also, unsuitable products or allergies can increase the risk of eyelash fall and renewal.
- Eyelid disease: Blepharitis or inflammation of the eyelid is a condition that increases the detachment of the eyelashes. This inflammation is accompanied by itching and burning, as well as a blockage of the sebaceous glands. Sties also affect eyelash shedding.
- Nutritional deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients can slow hair follicle growth in both the scalp and eyelashes, ultimately leading to eyelash loss.
- Alopecia areata: This disease can cause hair loss in any area of the body including the scalp, body hair, beard, eyebrows and eyelashes. It is characterized as an autoimmune pathology, that is, the hair follicle is attacked by the patient’s own immune system.
- Hormonal alterations: Thyroid gland problems. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism influence hair growth.
- Adverse effects of certain treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
- Aging: In some people, eyelashes become thinner, less pigmented and sparser.
In many cases, however, no specific causes of eyelash loss can be found.
If there is an increase in eyelash loss, it is important to consult a doctor to find out which of the above causes is responsible for the loss of eyelashes and to start the appropriate treatment.
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Tips for Proper Eyelash Care
Daily care matters!
Eyelashes have a protective function, not just an aesthetic one. Therefore, it is essential to take care of them in order to reduce eyelash loss and keep them healthy at all times. There are a number of tips to prevent eyelash loss:
- Remove makeup: Just as you should wash your hair, the same applies to your eyelashes. It is necessary to make sure they are clean, both of make-up and eyelashes. To do this, it is necessary to use a suitable cleanser that does not irritate. Cleaning should be done carefully and always in the direction of the eyelashes.
- Keep your hands away from your eyes: Frequent scratching or touching of the eye weakens the eyelash. Not only does friction have an influence, but this gesture also favors the introduction of bacteria into the eye that can cause infections.
- Follow a healthy diet: Diet does matter. Nutritional deficiencies also influence hair loss. Therefore, follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as proteins and iron to strengthen the hair.
- Use hypoallergenic cosmetics: Some types of makeup may cause allergies. It is preferable to use hypoallergenic products to minimize the risk.
- Make a limited and reasonable use of curling irons: Frequent use of this accessory, very typical in the makeup and cosmetics bag, can worsen the health of the eyelashes and weaken them.
There is nothing better than going to hair health specialists for any questions that may arise. Eyelash experts will help us determine why the eyelashes fall out in our particular case, as well as what we can do to take care of their condition.

How to stop eyelashes from falling out?
As we have already seen, proper hygiene is synonymous with health and beauty. One thing is not unrelated to the other, so we recommend that you incorporate into your daily routine some essential steps to keep your eyelids and eyelashes healthy and radiant.
Remove your makeup!
This is perhaps one of the most important steps in the overall care of your entire face. The consequences of skipping this step in your routine range from acne and pimples to premature aging.
Also, your eyelashes are affected: the accumulation of products, pollutants or sweat will cause them to weaken and become more brittle (be careful, this reduces their size significantly), in addition to being more prone to fall out.
So remember these simple tips to incorporate into your cleansing routine.
- Use the right product: It is very important to use the right product to remove eye makeup. It is not recommended to simply use soap and water; keep in mind that this is a very delicate area! It is best to use hypoallergenic products, there are many options for eye makeup removers on the market!
- Keep your needs in mind: When choosing your makeup remover, think about the other products you use in your makeup routine. For example, if you prefer waterproof mascaras or eyeliners, you’ll need to get a bi-phase makeup remover; don’t forget to shake it to activate its effect!
- Use cotton: Having the right makeup remover, remember to apply it with cotton-based products. You can opt for disposable or reusable discs (don’t forget to clean and disinfect them constantly).
- Rest the product: Rubbing the product in a hurry will result in damage and irritation to the area. Instead, allow the product to work on the area by letting it sit for a couple of seconds. Then, gently glide the excess from the inside to the outside of the eye.
Avoid excessive styling of your eyelashes
Hands, extensions and even curlers should be used sparingly to take care of the number of eyelashes. The contact of the hands with the eyes brings important risks such as irritations or infections. It is important to keep your hands as far away from your face as possible and make sure they are clean every time there is contact.
As mentioned above, the excessive use of curling irons and extensions can also represent a risk. It is best to limit their use to special occasions and use them more gently when necessary.
Finally, remember that eyelashes grow, fall out and are reborn due to a cycle known as capillary renewal.
There are sources of information that say that this process occurs in a cycle of approximately eight to ten weeks.
Maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients is key in this process.
Include the following foods in your diet for better nutrition:
- Nuts: Walnuts, almonds and pistachios are great sources of minerals.
- Protein foods: Chicken, tuna, salmon, eggs, beans, lentils and yogurt are excellent examples.
- Vegetables: All green leafy vegetables are an excellent option to include in your daily diet. Spinach, chard and celery, to name a few, are the perfect companion for fresh salads.
Summary: Why do eyelashes fall out and how to prevent it
As we said in the beginning, like other hair, eyelashes also fall out. You should not worry about it if it is not severe. If the condition is worsening you should consult with a doctor for proper treatment.
Keep the following points in mind before worrying or neglecting the falling eyelashes:
- Eyelashes fall out frequently due to hair renewal every 4 to 8 weeks.
- There are several risk factors that lead to its fall, such as stress, not removing makeup well or some diseases.
- Cleaning the eyelashes daily and not rubbing your eyes are some of the tips to prevent them from falling out.
- If the fall does not stop, it is necessary to consult a dermatology specialist to make an early diagnosis and start an appropriate treatment.
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/10032-blepharitis
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/70956
- https://crlab.com/en_en/scientific-area/hair-loss/hair-loss-telogen-defluvium/